Forums - MvC2 which supers are mashable Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 which supers are mashable ( Posted by Shogun17 on 03:21:2001 10:45 AM: I've always wanted to know exactly what supers are mashable and which you don't have to mash. Here's a list of everybody's super and, from my experience, which ones are mashable and which ones aren't. Let me know if you think I have some wrong or if you can confirm the ones that are followed by a "?". Each character has three lines: the first line is the character's name. The second are the supers that are mashable, and the thrid line is the supers that aren't mashable. The mashable supers with comments after them are "psuedo-mashable" where they can benefit from some button pushing, but it is not true mashing (mash all the buttons as fast as you can). PS, the characters are ordered in approximately what I believe to be the top-tier characters down to the worst characters. Feel free to comment on the ordering if you feel it is dramatically wrong. --Character-- --Mashable-- --Not Mashable-- Storm Hailstorm Lightning Cable (A)HVB (only punch to move it w/ stick) Time Flip Sentinel none HSF, qcf+PP (air) Blackheart none Armageddon, Heart of Darkness?, air super Spiral none Metamorphosis, Swords, Speed, Power Dr. Doom none Pink Shit (air), qcf+PP, qcf+KK? Cyclops MOB SOB Magneto none Hyper Tempest (air), Shockwave Strider none Ouborous, Legion?, Raganorok Captain Commando none Captain Sword, Captain Storm Iron Man none Proton Cannon Psylocke none qcf+PP, qcf+KK, qcb+KK (air) Cammy qcb+KK? Spin Dive Smasher, qcb+PP (air) Iceman none Arctic Storm Ken Shinryuken? Shin Jippu Kyaku, Shoryureppa? Juggernaut Headcrush (Punches only) none Sabretooth none Super Birdie, hcf+PP?, hcb+PP Dhalsim none Yoga Inferno, qcf+KK Tron Bonne none Lunch Rush, Super Kobun Mega Man Beat Plane (press to fire), Drill (press to dash/jump) Hyper Mega Man Omega Red none Omega Destroyer, qcb+PP War Machine none War Destroyer, Proton Cannon Silver Samurai none Lightning?, Fire Tower?, Ice, Shiruken, Mode Change Ruby Heart qcf+PP (P only changes direction), Barrel (buttons throw knives) Ship, Ghost Rogue none Goodnight Sugar Colossus Power Dive (d+P only dives) Hyper Armor BB Hood none Cool Hunting, hcb+KK, hcf+KK Anakaris Pharaoh Cobra Blow (buttons extend limbs), Pharaoh Magic (buttons move hands) Coffin Drop Super, Pharaoh Illusion (can't remember what this does) Akuma Super Fireball GouShoryureppa?, qcb+KK, air qcf+PP, Raging Demon Amingo Vertical Vine Maraca Super Felicia none Wave Super, qbf+PP, qcb+KK Jin Blodia Punch? Super Typhoon, Blodia Vulcan Jill Valentine none qcf+PP, Tyrant, Rocket Launcher Hulk none Gamma Crush?, qcf+PP, qcf+KK Venom qcf+KK? Web Super Morrigan Soul Eraser? dp+PP, Darkness Illusion Guile none Sonic Hurricane?, qcb+KK, air qcf+KK Captain America Hyper Charging Star Hyper Stars and Stripes, Final Justice Hayato none qcf+PP, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Dark Hayato Ryu Shinku Hadoken Super Hurricane Kick, Shin Shoryuken Charlie none Sonic Break, qcf+KK, qcb+KK M. Bison none Psycho Crusher, Super Knee Press, hcb+kk Thanos none Power, Soul, Reality, Space Spider-Man Ultimate Web Throw (rotate joystick) qcf+KK, Maximum Spider Wolverine Berserker Barrage X Speed Up, Fatal Claw?, Weapon X Wolverine (no metal) Berserker Barrage X Weapon X Gambit none qbf/qcb+KK, Royal Flush Kobun (Serv-bot) King Kobun (press to swing hammer) qcf+PP (any) Sakura (ds) Shinku Hadoken Dark Sakura Change, Shinku Hadoken, Midare Sakura (ds), Haru Ichiban (ds), Raging Demon Marrow none qcf+PP, air qcb+PP Son Son Mecha Monkey (press to attack) POW, Staff Drop? Chun Li Kikosho?, qcf+KK? dp+KK Zangief Final Atomic Buster (spin stick), Ultimate Atomic Buster (spin stick) Iron Body, Siberian Blizzard Shuma Gorath none Chaos Dimension, qcf+PP Dan none Fireball, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Super Taunt, Otoko Michi Roll Beat Plane (press to fire), Rush Drill (press to dash/jump) Hyper Roll Posted by NauTiK on 03:22:2001 12:25 AM: Sentinel can mash the QCF+PP(ground) Posted by Dynamyte2U on 03:22:2001 12:52 AM: You got Cyclops reversed. SOB is mashable. MOB is not. Posted by Shogun17 on 03:22:2001 01:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dynamyte2U: You got Cyclops reversed. SOB is mashable. MOB is not. MOB is mashable, but you are right about SOB. Both of his supers are mashable. Posted by Dynamyte2U on 03:22:2001 02:44 AM: Really? My bad. That's sad that I didn't know that, since I am an avid Clops user. I normally use MOB just to chip though. btw, Charlie can mash his Sonic Break. And Shogun17, I'm a bit fascinated in the order in which you listed the characters. Is that your "best to worst" rankings? Because if they are, I think you REALLY underrated/overrated some characters. Mine goes like: 1. Storm 2. Doctor Doom 3. Spiral 4. Magneto 5. Sentinel 6. Cable 7. Strider-Hiryu 8. Blackheart 9. Cyclops 10. Iceman 11. Iron Man 12. Cammy 13. Megaman 14. War Machine 15. Psylocke 16. Juggernaut 17. Captain Commando 18. Dhalsim 19. Colossus 20. Silver Samurai 21. Omega Red 22. Ken 23. Ruby Heart 24. Jin 25. Wolverine 26. Charlie 27. Sabretooth 28. Venom 29. Wolverine (Bone) 30. Akuma 31. Tron Bonne 32. Guile 33. Anakaris 34. M. Bison 35. B.B.Hood 36. Morrigan 37. Rogue 38. Hulk 39. Jill 40. Gambit 41. Thanos 42. Felicia 43. Spider-Man 44. Marrow 45. Hayato 46. Captain America 47. Amingo 48. Ryu 49. Sakura 50. Chun-Li 51. Shuma Gorath 52. Sonson 53. Servbot 54. Zangief 55. Dan 56. Roll Posted by shadowfighta on 03:22:2001 03:59 AM: Don't forget Felicia's Please Help Me! super. Its the qcb kk super and it is mashable. Posted by *Magneto* on 03:22:2001 04:21 AM: Magnetic Tempest which maikes me really mad.But u have to mash hard or it wont work.And I'm not sure on the others.oh,wait Storms air combo with the special is mashable cause I've done it on some guy.I think u should mash right after the lightning attack.So is Hulk's Gamma Crush,but I haven't mahed out of it yet.But I know u can cause has a little artical on it being mashed out of. Back and better than ever maybe!? Posted by Manic on 03:22:2001 04:57 AM: Basically any special is mash able that is not a grab, or a single hit. But some on the grabs you can spin the joy stick for more damage. Posted by Voodoo on 03:22:2001 05:59 AM: Few quick notes: Storm Hailstorm - With slowdown you can get soooo many hits in it's funny. Lightning Storm - Number of hits depends on where your opponent is in relation to Storm (it varies). Cable (a)HVB - Only punches, but if mash the buttons you'll probably get in more hits in then if you just tap punches. Silver Samurai Lightning Super - Mashing is how you kill assists with this (50+ hits with mashing). ~v00 -=-=-=-=-=- I need more than a quarter. I need like twenty-five cents. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:22:2001 06:58 AM: Corrections as far as I know: Sentinel Plasma Ball HSF, Hard Drive Blackheart Judgment Day (ground and air), Armageddon Heart of Darkness Cyclops MOB, SOB none Strider Legion Ouborous, Raganorok Psylocke Psythrust (she only does half hits if you don't mash) qcf+KK, qcb+KK (air) Ken Shinryuken Shin Jippu Kyaku, Shoryureppa Sabretooth Hyper Birdie Call Berzerker Claw X, Hyper Wild Fang War Machine Proton Cannon War Destroyer Silver Samurai Lightning, Ice Fire Tower, Shiruken, Mode Change Anakaris Pharaoh Cobra Blow (buttons extend limbs), Pharaoh Illusion (buttons move hands) Coffin Drop Super, Pharaoh Magic Felicia Help Me Wave Super, qcf+PP Hulk Gamma Crush Gamma Wave, qcf+kk Charlie Sonic Break Crossfire Blitz, Sommersault Justice M. Bison Psycho Crusher, Psycho Bomb Knee Press Nightmare Thanos Power, Soul Reality, Space? Chun Li Kikosho, Senretsu Kyaku Hazan Tenshou Kyaku You're Welcome, -DFA Posted by Lord Doom on 03:22:2001 08:28 AM: Berzerker Barrage isn't, Soul Eraser is, and so is the Ouroboss NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:22:2001 09:12 AM: Erhmmm... Iceman's artic attack is definitely mashable if I'm not mistaken. And I thought Judgement Day isn't mashable? Not sure on that one. And about the comment by voodoo... anyone uses Storm and BH in the same team? Cause as far as I know, BH's assist causes the most slowdown for a single assist. Maybe you can combo the inferno assist into a hailstorm and mash for major damage? Just a thought. I'll try it out this weekend. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Shogun17 on 03:22:2001 11:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dynamyte2U: -clip- And Shogun17, I'm a bit fascinated in the order in which you listed the characters. Is that your "best to worst" rankings? Because if they are, I think you REALLY underrated/overrated some characters. Mine goes like: -clip- The big differences between our rankings seem to be the following characters: Rankings mine yours 20 13. Megaman 22 14. War Machine 10 17. Captain Commando 26 19. Colossus 45 25. Wolverine 41 26. Charlie 17 27. Sabretooth 46 29. Wolverine (Bone) 19 31. Tron Bonne 25 37. Rogue 31 42. Felicia 30 47. Amingo First of all, I think the most glaring difference is where we placed the Wolverines. I feel that their rushdown style of play is too easily defeated in this game. There so many assists that beat dash-in rushdown in this game that I don't feel they have much chance to do anything. Add to that the fact that they both take damage like sissies and I feel they belong near the bottom of the list. You also moved Megaman and War Machine up into what seems to be the second tier. I would probably have to agree with you that they belong a bit higher up in the rankings than I had them. I'm not sure why I put War Machine so far below Ironman. As for Megaman, I haven't seen anyone play him well, even though I've been trying to pick him up and think he's pretty good. I just haven't used him against any good competition yet. You moved CapCom down a bit. No biggie there, except I feel that he does well against runaway characters (Storm), and that warrants a fairly high ranking. You moved Colossus and Charlie up quite a bit. To be honest, I haven't seen anyone play Charlie and I haven't bothered to try him out. From what I hear, he's better than I give him credit for. As for Colossus, I've messed around with him a bit and I find that his normal attacks come out too slow to be much of a threat. His damage done/taken ratio is really good and his super armor shuts down pixies, but he is no match for any sort of runaway or long distance attacking team. You dropped Sabretooth a bit. The main reason I had him so high was because of the block stun trap with him and Spiral. He could probably be moved down closer to where you put him. The rest of the characters are ones that you dropped in ranking significantly from my list: Tron, Rogue, Felicia, and Amingo. Felicia is ranked as she was mainly for the fact that her Wave super does really well against Strider/Doom trap. Otherwise, she's mediocre. Tron, Rogue and Amingo, however, I believe are better than you give them credit for. Rogue may lack a long range game and she doesn't have any good supers (at least not to punish helpers with), but her air dash/dive kick combined with the unblockable kiss gives her a good close up game that can be difficult to defend against. In addition, she has a good power/defense ratio and her stolen powers can help out quite a bit (especially with the speed-up pseudo-infinite). Tron has quite a few things that make her high up on the list. She can easily combo into a damaging super (lunch rush). Her other super is a safe chipper if nothing else. Plus, her mixup games with a helper and then cross-over air drill along with her cross-up fierce punch in the air can be tricky to block correctly. She also takes damage well. Not only is she pretty good on point, but her gamma helper can be really nasty! It does way too much damage and keeps them in place for a long time. It's also great to nail your opponent's helper with. Amingo isn't too powerful, but I certainly think he deserves to be higher than you have him. He's got a quick ducking short into launch and his jump-in roundhouse can cause some trouble against some opponents. I'm curious as to some of your decisions, such as why you ranked the Wolvies so high and why you dropped Tron and Rogue so much. [This message has been edited by Shogun17 (edited 03-22-2001).] Posted by elffzero on 03:22:2001 03:25 PM: ken's qcb+kk is mashable.. Posted by Voodoo on 03:22:2001 07:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: And about the comment by voodoo... anyone uses Storm and BH in the same team? Cause as far as I know, BH's assist causes the most slowdown for a single assist. Maybe you can combo the inferno assist into a hailstorm and mash for major damage? I saw it this weekend at the Universtiy Pinball, but I'm not sure exactly what happened. Storm was in, and the other person called BH assist (not sure who they were using). I think Storm called BH assist (storm, sent, bh ?), and did typhoon xx hailstorm. Whatever happened, the other person blocked, Storm broke out the hailstorm to hit the assist, and started mashing (was Arturo I think) like hell. The slowdown started, and the hailstorm seems to last for the longest time (like 50 hits on the assist), and it did a ton of damage. I can only assume that when the game slowed down, it allowed more commands to be accepted as it tried to keep up with what was going in the game. More commands = more hail. ~v00 -=-=-=-=-=- I need more than a quarter. I need like twenty-five cents. Posted by silenttiger on 03:22:2001 08:28 PM: I skimmed through so I might missed your corrections. SS's lightning is definitely mashable. Ken's Dragon Punch Super is mashable. Knowledge = Power "A samurai lives his life with but one certainty; he must die: Posted by TimeFlip on 03:22:2001 09:25 PM: I know I'm kinda late to say this, but Pharaoh Illusion is the mashable one(the apocalypse one), but Pharaoh Magic is not mashable. me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by ID on 03:22:2001 11:39 PM: BBhood's cool hunting is mashable i dunno if it does more damage if it hits, but if blocked, I've seen it do almost twice the chip with mashing try it, it drains block damage like strider doom. Posted by Shogun17 on 03:23:2001 02:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: Blackheart Judgment Day (ground and air), Armageddon Heart of Darkness Strider Legion Ouborous, Raganorok Sabretooth Hyper Birdie Call Berzerker Claw X, Hyper Wild Fang War Machine Proton Cannon War Destroyer Silver Samurai Lightning, Ice Fire Tower, Shiruken, Mode Change Hulk Gamma Crush Gamma Wave, qcf+kk M. Bison Psycho Crusher, Psycho Bomb Knee Press Nightmare Thanos Power, Soul Reality, Space? Judgment Day (ground and air), Legion, Hyper Birdie Call, Proton Cannon, Ice, Gamma Crush, Psycho Bomb, Power, Soul are all not mashable. Armageddon is hard to tell if it is mashable because it is so random, but it seems like it is not mashable. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Erhmmm... Iceman's artic attack is definitely mashable if I'm not mistaken True, even though it's pretty random, you do consistantly get more hits/damage out of it when you mash. quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom: Berzerker Barrage isn't, Soul Eraser is, and so is the Ouroboss True, True and True to a certain point. Ouborous launches rings when buttons are pressed. quote: Originally posted by elffzero: ken's qcb+kk is mashable.. True. You only get extra hits by mashing kicks, but it is still mashable. quote: Originally posted by silenttiger: I skimmed through so I might missed your corrections. SS's lightning is definitely mashable. Ken's Dragon Punch Super is mashable. SS's lightning is indeed mashable. By Ken's Dragon Punch Super, I assume you mean Shoryureppa (qcf+PP), which is not mashable (however Shinryuken is). quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip: I know I'm kinda late to say this, but Pharaoh Illusion is the mashable one(the apocalypse one), but Pharaoh Magic is not mashable. Yup, my mistake. I couldn't remember which one was which. quote: Originally posted by ID: BBhood's cool hunting is mashable i dunno if it does more damage if it hits, but if blocked, I've seen it do almost twice the chip with mashing try it, it drains block damage like strider doom. Cool Hunting always does that much chip damage. You don't get more damage either way (blocking or not blocking) by mashing. Thanks so far for everyone's help. Here is an updated list: Storm Hailstorm Lightning Cable (A)HVB (only punch to move it w/ stick) Time Flip Sentinel Plasma Ball HSF, Hard Drive Blackheart none Heart of Darkness, Armageddon, Judgment Day (air) Spiral none Metamorphosis, Swords, Speed, Power Dr. Doom none Pink Shit (air), qcf+PP, qcf+KK Cyclops MOB, SOB none Magneto none Hyper Tempest (air), Shockwave Strider Ouborous (buttons launch rings) Legion, Raganorok Captain Commando none Captain Sword, Captain Storm Iron Man none Proton Cannon Psylocke PsyThrust (punch changes direction), qcf+KK qcb+KK (air) Cammy none Spin Dive Smasher, qcb+PP (air), qcb+KK Iceman Arctic Attack none Ken Shin Jippu Kyaku, Shinryuken Shoryureppa Juggernaut Headcrush none Sabretooth none Super Birdie, Berserker Claw X, Hyper Wild Fang Dhalsim none Yoga Inferno, qcf+KK Tron Bonne none Lunch Rush, Super Kobun Mega Man Beat Plane (press to fire), Drill (press to dash/jump), Hyper Mega Man none Omega Red none Omega Destroyer, Omega Smasher War Machine none War Destroyer, Proton Cannon Silver Samurai Lightning Fire Tower, Ice, Shuriken, Mode Change Ruby Heart qcf+PP (P only changes direction), Barrel (buttons throw knives) Ship, Ghost Rogue none Goodnight Sugar Colossus Power Dive (d+P/K dives) Hyper Armor BB Hood none Cool Hunting, hcb+KK, hcf+KK Anakaris Pharaoh Cobra Blow (buttons extend limbs), Pharaoh Illusion (buttons move hands) Coffin Drop Super, Pharaoh Magic Akuma Super Fireball GouShoryureppa, qcf+KK, Air Fireball Super, Raging Demon Amingo Vertical Vine Maraca Super Felicia Help Me! Wave Super, qbf+PP Jin none Blodia Punch, Super Typhoon, Blodia Vulcan Jill Valentine none qcf+PP, Tyrant, Rocket Launcher Hulk none Gamma Crush, Gamma Wave, qcf+KK Venom none Web Super, qcf+KK Morrigan Soul Eraser dp+PP, Darkness Illusion Guile none Sonic Hurricane, qcb+KK, air qcf+KK Captain America none Hyper Charging Star, Hyper Stars and Stripes, Final Justice Hayato none qcf+PP, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Dark Hayato Ryu Shinku Hadoken (air) Super Hurricane Kick, Shin Shoryuken Charlie Sonic Break Crossfire Blitz, Somersault Justice M. Bison Psycho Crusher Super Knee Press, Psycho Bomb Thanos none Power, Soul, Reality, Space Spider-Man none qcf+KK, Maximum Spider, Ultimate Web Throw Wolverine none Berserker Barrage X, Speed Up, Fatal Claw, Weapon X Wolverine (no metal) none Berserker Barrage X, Weapon X Gambit none qbf/qcb+KK, Royal Flush Kobun (Serv-bot) King Kobun (press to swing hammer) qcf+PP (any) Sakura (ds) Shinku Hadoken Dark Sakura Change, Shinku Hadoken, Midare Sakura (ds), Haru Ichiban (ds), Raging Demon Marrow none qcf+PP, qcb+PP (air) Son Son Mecha Monkey (press to attack) POW, Staff Drop Chun Li Kikosho, Senretsu Kyaku Hazan Tenshou Kyaku Zangief Final Atomic Buster (spin stick), Ultimate Atomic Buster (spin stick) Iron Body, Siberian Blizzard Shuma Gorath none Chaos Dimension, qcf+KK Dan none Fireball, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Super Taunt, Otoko Michi Roll Beat Plane (press to fire), Rush Drill (press to rush/jump) Hyper Roll I forgot to update some of the characters on my list. I think they're all updated now. I will continue to change this post as more supers are verified. [This message has been edited by Shogun17 (edited 03-24-2001).] Posted by Dynamyte2U on 03:23:2001 02:25 AM: Shogun>> Megaman - Megaman is one of the most heavily underrated characters in the game. His Rockball Lockdown restricts the opponent's movement severely, while not affecting yours at all. The opponent will find it difficult to jump, dash, or attack at all. Combined with good assists and charged up Megabusters, Megaman can trap the opponent pretty badly, while gaining HC-gauge for himself. He rarely has to worry about the opponent mounting a steady offense and I think this is more than enough to give him a spot on the second tier. War Machine - Like Ironman, he is a keepaway-chipping king. At point, his Smart Bombs and Shoulder Cannons can already be too much for the opponent. Combine that with good assists and his opponent will have some serious problems. Also, his mobility is very good, especially for a long-ranged character. As an assist, his Repulsor Blast has awesome priority, and cripples the opponent's rushdown game. You can also chain it into a lot of good HC's, like Silver Samurai's Raimeiken and Cable's AHVBx3. Captain Commando - I think you overrated Capcom just a little bit. Despite that he has one of the best assists in the game, he is not dominant enough to hold the tenth spot. At point, his game is rather weak and his damaging combos are too difficult to connect against skilled players. I dropped him since my last rating, and my opinion on Capcom still stands. However, I think that his AAA is enough to put him in the top tier and his point game is still better than decent. He's very good, but there are sixteen characters that are simply better. Colossus - I think you underrated Colossus pretty badly too. Sure his moves come out slowly and he struggles with keepaway characters, BUT with the right assists, he gets a HUGE upgrade. Being too dependant on assists is a bad thing, but if assists can make a character this dominant, they deserve a bit of credit (same goes with Strider). Just give Colossus an assist like Blackheart, Capcom, Cyclops etc... His Super-Armor HC is a lot more powerful than most people give him credit for. If you're in close and you activate this super, the opponent is in big trouble. Especially since he can gain up to another half-super before the Super Armor ends. If the opponent lets up when your Super Armor is on, you can launch, aircombo xx power tackle xx powerdive for literally 70% damage. This kills Akuma in one chain. His power tackle alone is a force to be reckoned with too, either at point or as an assist. Wolverine: The two Wolverine's take loads of damage but their speed and strength somewhat make up for it. With their speed, they can create combo opportunities without the need for triangle jumps. If you have a good assist like Psylocke or Cyclops, you can combo all day with these two. The two Wolvies are DEFINATELY on the rise as of late. They take damage like pussies, but if they get on a roll, consecutive 40% air-combos (without Hyper combos) can win the match. Charlie - Charlie is SEVERELY underrated. Even though he is nothing but a slow pixie, he has something that Guile doesn't have: the Moonsault Slash. I've posted too many pro-Charlie articles, so I'll just give you a link to one. Read . I do think that I did overrate him a bit though, but he should at LEAST be in the top 35s. Sabretooth - Sabretooth was probably my biggest question mark of all 56 characters. His birdie assist is awesome and his point game is decent, but he has too many weaknesses. Against good rush-down characters, he gets raped, and against top-tier keepaway characters, he gets raped again. IMO, Sabretooth is good and is underrated by most people, but he doesn't have enough tools to earn him a spot in the second tier. Tron Bonne - Tron Bonne is REALLY suceptible to the Top Tier characters. Her moves have too much lag, and bad recovery times. Against skilled players, she doesn't fare too well. Her lack of speed hurts her badly. Her strength is her best characteristic though Rogue - Rogue doesn't have many "cons" but her lack of "pros" cripples her. Her kiss throw is her main asset, but it isn't exactly DOMINANT. Rogue just lacks the offensive power. She has a weak long-ranged AND short-ranged game, and that basically makes her that much less useful. She has few weaknesses, but she can't do much. Felicia - Felicia's Sand Kick and Hyper Sand Kick are nice against traps. The Ouroboros shreds through projectiles and there's no point attacking Strider physically with the Ouroboros activated. Fortunately for Felicia, her sand attacks are neither, making it easy to sneak in hits against Strider, while he is in Ouroboros mode. However, other than an anti-Strider character, Felicia can't do anything. She lacks strength, and she takes damage like a pussy (cat). Leave her in the bottom tiers. Amingo - I think I underrated Amingo too, but like many of the bottom tier characters, his weakness is that he can't handle keepaway and rushdown, which are the two biggest threats in MvC2. I might have rated him a little low, but 30 is too high. Posted by Jinmaster on 03:23:2001 02:55 AM: Wouldn't it be easier to list what is mashable as opposed to what is not? At least until we confirm things through testing. Heres what I know for sure is mashable: Storm = hailstorm, mashing increases block damage significantly. Damage when it connets is affected but you have to mash hard to see results. All buttons and stick side-to-side inputs affect it. Cable = HVB is mashable with punches and assist buttons only. Sentinel = Plasma is mashable, but I don't know about what buttons to use. Blackheart = I know armageddon has been mashable since the beginning becuase visibly more rocks would fall. Spiral = I dont think any are mashable Dr. Doom = Not sure Cyclops = Both supers are mashable, not sure if kick super can use all buttons to mash, all I know is to never shake the stick when doing a kick super. =) Magneto = dont know Strider = Uro operates through button presses, I don't think actual mashing helps. Otherwise I don't know. Captain Commando = not sure, but I was under the impression that mashing doesnt matter as much as positioning Iron Man = dont know Psylocke = dont know Cammy = dont know Iceman = dont know Ken = I know you can mash both his kick supers, not sure about the punch one Juggernaut = Headcrush is mashable, I think you use all buttons w/stick shaking Sabretooth = dont know Dhalsim = dont know Tron Bonne = don't know Mega Man = beatplane requires it, not sure on the others Omega Red = dont know War Machine = dont know Silver Samurai = You can mash lightning, otherwise don't know Ruby Heart = dont know Rogue = dont know Colossus = dont know BB Hood = dont know Anakaris = back-forward punch requires it, raging demon requires it, otherwise dont know Akuma = the ground fireball is traidtionally mashable but I really don't know Amingo = I think the kick super is, but I'm going to go with dont know for now Felicia = dont know Jin = dont know Jill Valentine = Isn't her punch super fireball thing mashable? Otherwise dont know Hulk = dont know Venom = dont know Morrigan = dont know Guile = dont know Captain America = dont know Hayato = dont know Ryu = sinku is, and I thought kick was but I dont remember Charlie = dont know M. Bison = I thought psycho crusher was but im not sure. Thanos = dont know Spider-Man = I thought spiderman was a spin for the web and you could mash the kick super, but Im not sure. Wolverine = dont know, man... Wolverine (no metal) = dont know Gambit = I thought royal was, otherwise dont know Kobun (Serv-bot) = Big K requires it, dont know otherwise. I dont think any other super is mashable though. Sakura = dont know Marrow = no clue Son Son= Monkey requires it, dont know about the penis Chun Li = qcf KK is, I think all of them are but I need to check. Zangief = dont know, most supers are spin rolls Shuma Gorath = not sure Dan = dont know Roll = dont know Ok, this looks like I wasted my time but I just realised I know very little about what is mashable and what is not. Funny how a "top" player like myself doesn't mash hardly at all but people still tell me MvC2 is just a mashing game. So silly. I definately would like to know what is mashable for certain, and maybe I'll make a faq if I ever get a free moment. =) -Micah Posted by Lord Doom on 03:23:2001 04:12 AM: Just so you know, Storm's Lightning Storm is mashable as is Sentinel's Hard Drive. I think that Psylocke's qcf+kk is mashable as is Iceman's Artic Attack. I think that Wolverine's Fatal Claw still is mashable. NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by ej_333 on 03:23:2001 04:16 AM: It doesn't matter which super it is, I just ram the buttons like nuts anyway, hahaha! Posted by TS on 03:23:2001 04:35 AM: First of all...are you guys sure Ken's Shinryuuken is mashable in MvC2? Anyway... quote: Originally posted by Dynamyte2U: Colossus - I think you underrated Colossus pretty badly too. Sure his moves come out slowly and he struggles with keepaway characters, BUT with the right assists, he gets a HUGE upgrade. Being too dependant on assists is a bad thing, but if assists can make a character this dominant, they deserve a bit of credit (same goes with Strider). Just give Colossus an assist like Blackheart, Capcom, Cyclops etc... His Super-Armor HC is a lot more powerful than most people give him credit for. If you're in close and you activate this super, the opponent is in big trouble. Especially since he can gain up to another half-super before the Super Armor ends. If the opponent lets up when your Super Armor is on, you can launch, aircombo xx power tackle xx powerdive for literally 70% damage. This kills Akuma in one chain. His power tackle alone is a force to be reckoned with too, either at point or as an assist. Under most circumstances, I think Collosus beats pretty much every pixie in the game, magneto included. Is hyper armor super is the best in the game (better than Jin's, better than Abyss 1's, better than everybody's), and if you're in range for his stand RK, you're gonna get hurt. quote: Wolverine: The two Wolverine's take loads of damage but their speed and strength somewhat make up for it. With their speed, they can create combo opportunities without the need for triangle jumps. If you have a good assist like Psylocke or Cyclops, you can combo all day with these two. The two Wolvies are DEFINATELY on the rise as of late. They take damage like pussies, but if they get on a roll, consecutive 40% air-combos (without Hyper combos) can win the match. I would rate Bone Wolvie over the metal one...the speed decrease isn't great, but Bone Wolvie does more damage, and has the better assist. Even though Metal Wolvie's AAA is really pretty good. quote: Sabretooth - Sabretooth was probably my biggest question mark of all 56 characters. His birdie assist is awesome and his point game is decent, but he has too many weaknesses. Against good rush-down characters, he gets raped, and against top-tier keepaway characters, he gets raped again. IMO, Sabretooth is good and is underrated by most people, but he doesn't have enough tools to earn him a spot in the second tier. Spiral/Sabretooth is really the only genuine trap in the game- the opponent supposedly stays in permanent blockstun if you do it correctly. Jinmaster- Ryu's Hurricane Kick super and Ken's qcf+PP super can't be mashed, and Gambit's Royal Flush can't be either (or at least not in X-Men vs's always 36 hits, right? Four rows of nine, IIRC). Posted by Shogun17 on 03:23:2001 05:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS: First of all...are you guys sure Ken's Shinryuuken is mashable in MvC2? Anyway... Yes, it does a few more hits and increases very slightly in damage. Posted by ThugginPinoy on 03:23:2001 05:44 AM: i love mashing into silver samurai'z Raimei Ken super (i think that'z the name, the super that coverz the ground w/lightning). that super'z great for punishing people who like to call out their assist. a lot, especially if you mash like hell. Posted by elffzero on 03:23:2001 06:16 AM: felicia's help me is definately mashable, and so is ruby's ship, but only during the first part where the bow hits you, the cannons are a set # of hits. btw mashing is the only way to get decent damage out of that super.. " -Further slipping into night, lucid thoughts are flight, save me from this bitter dream, Caffiene... " Posted by Shogun17 on 03:24:2001 12:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by elffzero: felicia's help me is definately mashable, and so is ruby's ship, but only during the first part where the bow hits you, the cannons are a set # of hits. btw mashing is the only way to get decent damage out of that super.. Actually it matters how close your opponent is to the side of the screen that the ship comes out of that makes the extra hits, not mashing. For instance, if you are stuck in a corner with the opponent right next to you, it will always do the same number of extra hits when the blade is hitting. However, when the opponent is across the screen from where the ship comes out of (such as if you have them trapped in the corner), then it will only do 2 hits before it starts firing cannons. quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom: Just so you know, Storm's Lightning Storm is mashable as is Sentinel's Hard Drive. I think that Psylocke's qcf+kk is mashable as is Iceman's Artic Attack. I think that Wolverine's Fatal Claw still is mashable. Storm's Lightning isn't mashable. The number of hits/damage depends on the spacing between you and your opponent. Wolvie's Fatal claw is also not mashable and neither is Sentinal's Hard drive. Psylocke's qcf+kk, however, is mashable (even though it still does pathetic damage). Iceman's Arctic attack was one of the supers that I said I'd change, but I forgot to update my list. It is now updated as mashable. These are other supers that people thought were mashable but aren't: Jill's qcf+PP Spidey's qcf+KK Ryu qcb+KK Royal Flush In addition, I tried out Cammy's qcb+KK and Spidey's Web throw and neither of them is mashable in MvC2. Posted by rusbar on 03:24:2001 03:12 AM: Hell, I'll mash unless it's an auto super. Also, w/ Anakaris snake super it depends on what I'm doin w/ it. If my opponent's back is facing the corner then I'll mash. Other than that time, his super is all timing. Are you ok? Busterwolf. . .PowerGEYSER! Posted by Shogun17 on 03:24:2001 12:31 PM: I finally got enough time to test everybody's supers to see which are mashable. The following list should be the fully correct list of which supers are mashable. Storm Hailstorm Lightning Cable (A)HVB (only punch to move it w/ stick) Time Flip Sentinel Plasma Ball HSF, Hard Drive Blackheart Armageddon Heart of Darkness, Judgment Day (air) Spiral none Metamorphosis, Swords, Speed, Power Dr. Doom none Pink Shit (air), qcf+PP, qcf+KK Cyclops MOB, SOB none Magneto none Hyper Tempest (air), Shockwave Strider Ouborous (buttons launch rings) Legion, Raganorok Captain Commando none Captain Sword, Captain Storm Iron Man none Proton Cannon Psylocke PsyThrust (punch changes direction), qcf+KK qcb+KK (air) Cammy none Spin Dive Smasher, qcb+PP (air), qcb+KK Iceman Arctic Attack none Ken Shin Jippu Kyaku, Shinryuken Shoryureppa Juggernaut Headcrush none Sabretooth none Super Birdie, Berserker Claw X, Hyper Wild Fang Dhalsim none Yoga Inferno, qcf+KK Tron Bonne none Lunch Rush, Super Kobun Mega Man Beat Plane (press to fire), Drill (press to dash/jump), Hyper Mega Man none Omega Red none Omega Destroyer, Omega Smasher War Machine none War Destroyer, Proton Cannon Silver Samurai Lightning Fire Tower, Ice, Shuriken, Mode Change Ruby Heart qcf+PP (P only changes direction), Barrel (buttons throw knives) Ship, Ghost Rogue none Goodnight Sugar Colossus Power Dive (d+P/K dives) Hyper Armor BB Hood none Cool Hunting, hcb+KK, hcf+KK Anakaris Pharaoh Cobra Blow (buttons extend limbs), Pharaoh Illusion (buttons move hands) Coffin Drop Super, Pharaoh Magic Akuma Super Fireball GouShoryureppa, qcf+KK, Air Fireball Super, Raging Demon Amingo Vertical Vine Maraca Super Felicia Help Me! Wave Super, qbf+PP Jin none Blodia Punch, Super Typhoon, Blodia Vulcan Jill Valentine none qcf+PP, Tyrant, Rocket Launcher Hulk none Gamma Crush, Gamma Wave, qcf+KK Venom none Web Super, qcf+KK Morrigan Soul Eraser dp+PP, Darkness Illusion Guile none Sonic Hurricane, qcb+KK, air qcf+KK Captain America none Hyper Charging Star, Hyper Stars and Stripes, Final Justice Hayato none qcf+PP, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Dark Hayato Ryu Shinku Hadoken (air) Super Hurricane Kick, Shin Shoryuken Charlie Sonic Break Crossfire Blitz, Somersault Justice M. Bison Psycho Crusher Super Knee Press, Psycho Bomb Thanos none Power, Soul, Reality, Space Spider-Man none qcf+KK, Maximum Spider, Ultimate Web Throw Wolverine none Berserker Barrage X, Speed Up, Fatal Claw, Weapon X Wolverine (no metal) none Berserker Barrage X, Weapon X Gambit none qbf/qcb+KK, Royal Flush Kobun (Serv-bot) King Kobun (press to swing hammer) qcf+PP (any) Sakura (ds) Shinku Hadoken Dark Sakura Change, Shinku Hadoken, Midare Sakura (ds), Haru Ichiban (ds), Raging Demon Marrow none qcf+PP, qcb+PP (air) Son Son Mecha Monkey (press to attack) POW, Staff Drop Chun Li Kikosho, Senretsu Kyaku Hazan Tenshou Kyaku Zangief Final Atomic Buster (spin stick), Ultimate Atomic Buster (spin stick) Iron Body, Siberian Blizzard Shuma Gorath none Chaos Dimension, qcf+KK Dan none Fireball, qcf+KK, qcb+KK, Super Taunt, Otoko Michi Roll Beat Plane (press to fire), Rush Drill (press to rush/jump) Hyper Roll All times are GMT. The time now is 10:52 PM. 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